The Story of Foxy, Geoff, Laurie McMahon & me

Bill Fox (“Foxy”) ran quarries, knows how to “Measure” and how to “Manage”.  Foxy trained Geoff is now retired and goes about riding his Harley in Aussie land. Geoff Harris (My “Old” Boss from CSR) trained me then sent me to “sensitivity school” ...twice!   Geoff introduced me to Laurie.

Laurie and I provide performance measurement, design and profit optimization services to the aggregates industry based on Foxy's well proven approach that states

“You can't manage what you can't control”

"You can't control what you can't measure”

“If you can't measure it… you can't manage it"


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Content copyright 2010.
All rights reserved
Bill Fox Operations
Notes (circa 1974)
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